Ocular Rosacea Eye Treatment
Ocular rosacea is a serious condition that should be addressed and treated promptly. In the past, treatment of ocular rosacea has been difficult and even frightening to some patients. It’s not uncommon to experience vision changes such as blurriness, burning or even some degree of temporary during the course of ocular treatment with ophthalmic solutions containing both antibiotics and steroids. With ocular rosacea, the risk of secondary infection can be quite high; dry eyes and the tendency to rub them creates an easy breeding ground for staph and bacterial infections.

The Ocular Rosacea Treatment of the past has been frightening to some patients. Ocular rosacea is a serious condition that needs to be brought under control quickly. Some patients have experienced blurry vision or some loss of vision with the use of some eye drops containing both antibiotics and steroids. One of the concerns in ocular rosacea is the possibility of a secondary infection, since a dry irritated eye environment is a good breeding ground for bacteria like staphylococci.
The dry eye syndrome, which often accompanies ocular rosacea, can also be treated with non-preserved artificial tears, treatment can be used as often as 4 times a day or more. Another ophthalmic treatment is a home humidifier which may also add valuable moisture to the air. If these treatments for the symptoms of ocular rosacea are not sufficient, more drastic treatments may be needed. One such treatment involves closure of the tear drainage ducts which is accomplished with silicone plugs, which are reversible, or punctal cautery (a burning of the tear duct openings), which is a relatively permanent ocular treatment
Application of Rosacea-Ltd IV®for Ocular Rosacea
The process of applying Rosacea-Ltd IV® to the eyelid for Ocular Rosacea is the same as the facial rosacea skin area.
First, hydrate by drinking the proper amount of “alkaline water”. Second, wash the facial skin and eye area and leave the skin wet as well as the eye socket area. Third, the design of the “tan” Rosacea-Ltd IV® disk allows for an easy application to the contour of the eye area or any other ‘eye area’ that has symptoms of Ocular Rosacea, redness or blepharitis, keratitis, iritis, hypopyon iritis, or conjunctivitis, styes, or seborrheic dermatitis. The Rosacea-Ltd IV® “tan” disk is gently glided over the closed wet eyelid or eye socket area for a quick application of the ingredients which will dissolve the proper amount to the exterior closed eye lid. This process is only a 1/2 second application or a ‘touch application’ (like the model to the right) is needed to restore the beauty of the ocular rosacea or eye rosacea affected area usually within 7 to 10 days.
The Rosacea-Ltd IV® ingredients are natural ingredients that are currently within our eyes
The natural ingredients are within our body, facial skin and eyes already. These same ingredients are within our Rosacea-Ltd IV® disks are exactly what the ocular rosacea eye needs, and have been helping ocular rosacea patients worldwide since 1997. The ingredients in our patented Rosacea-Ltd® disks are as follows: zinc oxide, polyethylene glycol which helps the disk to glide easily over the eyelid, copper oxide, cornstarch (also for smoothness & gliding of the disk), iron oxide, sodium chloride which are all essential natural element of the human body.
Ocular Irritation with Eye Makeup
Many women find that their eye makeup can trigger or aggravate their ophthalmic symptoms. Replace the entire bottle every three to four months as there is a good chance of bacterial growth from the applicator after use on your eyelids to the eye makeup bottle. Often when you experience a flare or worsening of your ocular rosacea, simply replacing your eye makeup can easily solve the problem as bacteria can reproduce rapidly in mascara, eye liner or eye shadow containers. Each time you use an eye makeup product it is exposed to airborne bacteria and pollutants as well as bacteria that is always present on the skin’s surface.
Avoid Anti-Wrinkle Creams
Anti-wrinkle creams on the face and around the eye area is a source of an ocular flare. We all desire to minimize the tiny wrinkles around the eyes but unfortunately the anti-aging ingredients in these creams are often too harsh and aggressive for the sensitive or delicate skin around the eye area. To topically minimize the wrinkles, apply a drop of jojoba oil at night and during the day. Also, increase the moisture around the eye area by increasing your alkaline water intake. Increasing your water intake will plump up or fill the dehydrated skin that forms the wrinkles from the deeper layers of the skin where the wrinkles actually begin to the surface to form.

Rosacea-Ltd IV