Cigarette Induced Facial Flushing & Rosacea
The many potential hazards and dangers of smoking are well-known; we all hear about lung cancer, an increase in blood pressure and increased lines and wrinkles on the face. But what is the mechanism of action? Smoking creates carbon dioxide and which accumulates in the body producing a gummy tar residue. The lack of or reduction of oxygen causes the immune system to malfunction, Vitamin C levels in the body, essential for collagen production are reduced, this process accelerates the hardening of elastin and the cross linkage of collagen creating a trillion free radicals thus altering and destroying the capillary structure of the skin. All tobacco products are very “acidic with a very low pH of about 2.0 to 2.5″ that sometimes results in oral cancer and lung cancer. The overall body and brain pH should be around 7.4 for healthy tissue, brain, and body functioning. Stopping smoking is the answer for vascular constriction and is in itself a ‘rosacea treatment’ or a ‘rosacea diet’.
Consider what cigarette smoking does to the lungs. The lung tissue is less pliable, receiving less oxygen. A similar thing happens overall to the skin with the epidermis being less pliable and receiving less oxygen with the result being that the “Marlboro Man” has more wrinkles. More important the blood vessels are not as pliable and receive less oxygen, therefore compounding the problem. Stopping smoking is the answer for vascular constriction and is in itself a ‘rosacea treatment’ or a ‘rosacea diet’.