Can you catch rosacea from your pet? No but there are many related diseases you can acquire from your pets that cause symptoms of skin redness, itching, rashes or hives.
The most obvious rosacea-like rash would be caused by an allergic reaction to pet dander. This type of rash is a form of contact eczema and can occur anywhere on the body whereas rosacea is usually limited to the facial area but can involve the neck and upper chest areas. In its milder forms an allergic contact reaction to pet dander will result in itching, redness and areas of warm, heated patches of skin. In a more severe reaction the symptoms could include skin blistering, raised patches of red skin welts, and itching that can be severe enough to result in broken, raw or bleeding areas of skin.
Red circular patches of skin called <a href=""> ringworm </a> are easily passed from a pet to its owner. Ringworm is a very contagious fungal infection generally treated with prescription medications. The best prevention is to always thoroughly wash your hands after coming in contact with your pets.
Hookworms found in the intestinal lining of dogs can be transferred to humans through contact with pet feces resulting in an itchy rash in humans. Additional symptoms in people could include a wheezing type cough, loss of appetite, anemia and stomach pains. Treatment would include anti-parasitic medications.
A scratch or bite from your cat, even a tick bite can result in exposure to the bartonella germ. The symptoms would include a small red bump and possible swelling of the lymph nodes near the site of the bite or scratch. The affected area can result in a rash containing red lines similar in appearance to stretch marks. You may also experience headache or fever, achy joints, fatigue, and an increase or hyper-sensitivity of existing skin disorders. The symptoms usually clear up by themselves, but may require an antibiotic.
Rabies from a scratch or animal bite is always a possibility, although not as common as it once was. In people the symptoms of rabies include redness, prickling or itching at the contact site. Other symptoms are weakness, headache, discomfort, flu-like symptoms, confusion, anxiety, hallucinations, and/or agitation. Left untreated, rabies is commonly a fatal condition, but with immediate medical attention, the condition can be controlled.